8.30am 11 miles in 1 hour 28 minutes
Week to date mileage 22.4
Month to date mileage 102
Average weekly rate 31.4
Average Monthly rate 137
Year to Date 503
Life time 8281
Weather warm sunshine and clouds
I ran out along the Newmarket Road past the Minden Rose pub. This road leads on to the A14 for Newmarket and is consequently always busy. There is a tricky section of this run when you need to cross over one or two roads on a roundabout before you can get on to Tut Hill.
I turned first left towards Risby and followed the road all the way to Risby past the crematorium on the right and a large pig farm on the left.
In Risby I ran past St Giles a church with a round tower. Risby has several ponds in the village before you reach the green which is looking well overgrown and overdue a mow. Risby is another village with an iron village sign .
I took the road towards Cavenham out of Risby and ran past a dominant feature in the landscape a large water tower. Before you get to Heath Barn Farm I took a footpath to the left besides a tall hedge. I only ran about 5 minutes along the path before turning around. I had wanted to turn after 45 minutes anyway but it was uncomfortable running along this path as their were clouds of hovering black midges flying in swarms. I didn't realise until I reached home just how covered I was in midges stuck to my face and clothes.
So I was pleased to turn for home and retrace my steps along the same roads back home.
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