8.30 am 6.8 miles in 55 minutes
Week to date mileage 29
Month to date mileage 6.8
Average weekly rate 31.3
Average Monthly rate 136
Weather - April showers - a heavy rain shower meant I got soaked but it was mild and quite enjoyable.
Todays run was a circuit around Hardwick Park. Out the very back of the park I picked up on a pathway that I haven't spotted before which runs parallel to the Hencote Lane which I regularly run.
There is semi permanent scout camp site which is marked with a gate saying no entrance which I ran through as it was wide open. You can lost in this wood with the amount of pathways but this time I did pick up on the path which is the St Edmunds Way.
This quickly joins the Hencote Lane which is the Bury to Clare path and I was back on a familar pathway.
I returned back to Hardwick Park and visited the lake and then ran along Hardwick Lane to the Horsecroft Road and back home.
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