5.30pm 6.3 miles in 51 minutes 24 seconds
Week to date mileage 28.7
Month to date mileage 109
Average weekly rate 31.5
Average Monthly rate 137
Year to Date 509
Life time 8287
I decided just to run where ever I fancied around town. I headed towards the Railway Station past the Falcon and the Rising Sun in Risbygate Street and then up past the Ipswich Arms and down to the Linden Tree .
Then up by St Johns Street past the Bushel into the centre of town past the Grapes and the Cupola House and down past the Masons Arms. I continued on past the Black Boy and down Whiting Street to the Rose and Crown. I then ran past the Theatre Royal and round by the Dog and Partridge.
To think that so many pubs have closed in Bury but I have still only mentioned just some of the pubs that you can still visit. It would be interesting to find a book listing the closures I can think of half a dozen closures along Kings Road alone, but not always their names such as the Cricketers Arms which I think is now a hairdressers. Further down on the right their was another pub and then there was The Market Tavern which was just off from the mini roundabout as you turn left down Kings Road and in the centre of town the cavernous Griffin and another pub can't think of the name of it which was situated where the chemist Superdrug is now. Then there was the St Edmunds Head which is now the Cannon Brewery Restaurant.
I am sure there is a book on the pubs of Bury St Edmunds anyone know of it?
I also photographed the Nestle advertising on what must have been a corner shop. More photos to follow.
buryblue instead we should have a pub run, last one standing wins pays the bill. hahaha
ReplyDeleteStrider - I haven't seen any details for the Breckland 10k is their a web site ?
ReplyDeleteHighbury is a classy stadium I have been there 4-5 times most memorably to the FAC Semi Final in 1978 when Ipswich beat West Brom and I was stood at the clock end. It will be sad when this finally closes.
Heart this sounds like a great idea lets suggest it to the coach on Wednesday!